Motozine ZN5 mobile phone is the result of combining famous brands Motorola and Kodak. Motozine ZN5 is designed with dual compatibility for GSM and Wireless LAN. With CrystalTalk Motorola Technology, ZN5 able to help so that the caller to hear and be heard even in noisy environments though.

In addition, by combining ModeShift Motorola technology and Kodak Imaging technology, ZN5 then able to produce images with a good level of brightness even taken on the less light. Resolution is in this product is a 5 megapixel and equipped with auto focus function and Xenon flash lamp.

Motozine ZN5 is also equipped with a direct connection to ShouZu that can be used to upload photos to social networking sites. This product is already present in Indonesia began Novenber 2008 and the end of the price of Rp 4 million.

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